Painter... Author... Journalist...
October 24, 1947, Deggendorf, Lateinschulgasse, Alte Knabenschule, gymnastics in the Kapuzinerstadl, Festwiesn, Saumarkt in the Pfleggassn,
Königlich-Bayerische Oberrealschule, Storm and Stress at Jahnhügl, first art feelings with Heinz Mann,
Roaring Sixties, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Woodstock und Vietnam, Abitur am Comenius-Gymnasium,
Military service and studies, editor at the Münchner tz and the Passauer Neue Presse,
1990/91 intensive entry into painting with first solo exhibition - and on and on...

"Even this fast-paced, idiosyncratic vita, served up by the artist in pointed catchphrases, reveals that Harry Bauer knows how to handle color and language. He is a painter and at the same time an author and journalist. His passion belongs to both worlds. And his enormous versatility is also evident in his art::

Born on October 24, 1947 and raised in picturesque Deggendorf, between the Danube and the Bavarian Forest and not too far from the cosmopolitan city of Munich, Harry Bauer is deeply rooted in his Bavarian homeland. The highly unconventional art teacher Heinz Mann at the Königlich-Bayerische Oberrealschule (now Comenius-Gymnasium) opened his eyes to art at an early age, allowing the pupil to experiment and sharpening his senses. The "wild 60s" accompany the time at the grammar school. Make Love, Not War: cultural revolution and resistance to the Vietnam War are the defining world events.

A-levels, military service and then, against the advice of his art teacher (at the art academy!), law studies. Fortunately, he turned his back on sober and completely unartistic jurisprudence and became an editor at tz Munich. As a "subtle master of the word, with an overview and insight, with wit and irony and a sense for topics that are human and interesting" (Dr Stefan Rammer), he soon embarked on a promising career in Munich.
But then the Passauer Neue Presse, now Mediengruppe Bayern, lured him back home, first to Deggendorf, then to Passau as head of department. And that's when his artistic creativity and passion for art, which had been pushed into the background for a while, finally broke through. "As if struck by lightning out of the blue", Harry Bauer rediscovers painting, and this passion is unbroken. From then on, he was passionate about both language and painting. It offers him possibilities where words are limited. This was the definitive beginning of his intensive immersion in painting, visible at the invitation of the abbot in the large solo exhibition in the cloister of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten (2000).
For over thirty years, Harry Bauer and the renowned Deggendorf artists' group have turned the city of Deggendorf upside down and left their mark. His pictures can be found in the town hall, the district administration office, the hospital, the savings bank, social institutions, business premises, surgeries and of course in private collections - and always in prominent places."
Dr. Elisabeth Fink

"Harry Bauer didn't go to art school. He attended the academy of life. His eyes showed him the way and his hands guided him, the school of seeing worked without a teacher."
Dr. Stefan Rammer, 2013
Einzel-ausstellungen (Auswahl)
Erster Herbstsalon Harry Bauer im White Cube, Privathaus des Künstlers, 29. November 2024
Kunst und Kirche, St. Erasmus Deggendorf-Deggenau, 2023
quer_schnitt, Deggendorf, Palais im Stadtpark, 2013
HB050612, Spital Hengersberg, 2012
Mensch im Kreuz, Kreuzgang Kloster Metten, 2000
Spanien, Benissa, Costa Blanca, 1998
Harry Bauer 95 – 96, Stadtgalerie Deggendorf, 1997
Netzwerk, Neue Volkshochschule Deggendorf, 1992
Group exhibitions (selection)
Finale Ausstellung wegen Auflösung der Deggendorfer Künstlergruppe 2016
Jahresausstellungen der Deggendorfer Künstlergruppe ab 1998 bis 2016
Donau, Kapuzinerstadl Deggendorf, Salzstadel Straubing und andere, 1999/2000
Malerei, Plastik, Objekt, Weytterturm, Straubing, 2000
Aspekte des Lebens, Spital Hengersberg, 2002 und 2005
Kunstausstellung Stadt Kötzting, 2002, 2004, 2005
Auferstehung, spectrum Kirche, Winzer, Passau, Freising und andere 2001
Kulturmodell Passau, 1999 – 2006
Ausstellungen im Atrium der Passauer Neuen Presse im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Menschen im Europa von 1996 bis 2005
Purchases and commissions (selection)
Stadt Deggendorf
Landkreis Deggendorf
Klinikum Deggendorf
Vinzenzheim Deggendorf
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
Sparkasse Deggendorf
Erl Unternehmensgruppe Deggendorf und München
Ausgestaltung MVZ IsarPark Plattling
Straubing Königshof
Regensburg Königshof
Passauer Neue Presse (Mediengruppe Bayern)
Private Sammlungen